How can a 14 year old girl be shot when the only thing that she did 'wrong' is to campaign for basic human rights? Malala Yousafzai campaigned and
blogged for girls to be able to go to school in her town of Swat Valley after the Taliban banned all girls attending school there. Education is a basic right and as a feminist and young female blogger ,like Malala, I am appalled.
I go to school every day, unless I am ill or at conference, and I must admit that sometimes I dread my hours in the classroom but without education girls would not be able to compete, contribute or even have basic human rights. Does that sound wrong to you? Does it sound like something that would happen in medieval times? It does to me but yet it is happening in the 21st century.
At school I hear sexist comments everyday at school and I condemn them but at least I am able to go to school. Malala had been banned from attending school by the Taliban and do you know what happened when she objected? She was shot. The Taliban think that education for girls is too 'Westernised' but it's not. Education is a basic human right!
Malala is very brave but I shudder to think what else the Taliban will do to her if she survives and carries on living in Pakistan. All girls deserve an education and basic human rights. I loudly applaud Malala for standing up for these rights. Malala is a heroine for young girls and I look up to her. Without her young girls would not have had a future in her area. All that is in jeopardy now. She stood up to the most feared organisation for the sake of young girls. She was shot because the Taliban fear her and the difference that she can make. She is a heroine for all young girls and she does not deserve this suffering.